Friday, October 17, 2008

Marnie Stern - This Is It And I Am It And You Are It And So Is That And He Is It And She Is It And It Is It And That Is That

I am too exhausted to write a decent review of this album, but this album is too fuckin' good to not post A.S.A.P.



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends

It's been awhile since i've posted an album here, and that needed to be amended.

Tobacco, in case anyone was wondering, is the leader of the infamously reclusive group Black Moth Super Rainbow, an odd psych synth hippie freakfest of a band whose last album, Dandelion Gum, was praised by many but listened to by few. The album brought a combination of dreamy pop songs with a sort of analong synth crunch so pure only Boards of Canada could top the band's Moog tweaking. With the new solo album, Tobacco clearly shows who was behind those very Moogs in the recording studio. Fucked Up Friends is nothing new for fans of Black Moth, or at least at first. Tobacco lets his synths shine from track one, with only the occasional guitar or sampled flute show up, if only to accent (you guessed it) those thick thick synth lines. However, a vast majority of the album is instrumental, a key distintion between Black Moth and the solo Tobacco. With the lack of vocoded vocals, Tobacco is free to not only let the synths do the talking, but show off something that I felt was sorely overlooked in many reviews of Dandelion Gum: the Beats. Fucked Up Friends is a dynamo of a beats record, with Tobacco showing off his percussive skills as well his keyboard mastery. This record wouldn't seem out of place next to Flying Lotus or some of his other Warp counterparts, the only difference being Tobacco would rather see you in the forest rather than the record store.



Playlist - 10/07/08

0: Cop Shoot Cop by Spiritualized
1: Nowhere Again by Secret Machines
2: Kafka Does His Shopping From Home by Pidgeon
3: california by Pidgeon
4: Golden AGe by TV on the Radio
5: Kerosene by Big Black
6: ... by PSA
7: Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads
8: Street Trash by Tobacco
9: Diesel Power by The Prodigy
10: Echoes by The Rapture
11: a by PSA
12: a by PSA
13: Sky Drool by Ponytail
14: Enter Ralph Wiggum by A-Trak
15: Never Stops by Deerhunter
16: Talk On Indolence by The Avett Brothers
17: Dry Clothes by Annuals
18: You Faded by Chavez

Friday, October 3, 2008

Playlist - 09/29/08

0: I Would Hurt A Fly by Built to Spill
2: Movement by LCD Soundsystem
3: Circumspect by Wire
4: Come Tpgether by Spiritualized
5: Arcturus by crystal antlers
6: Pink Batman by Dan Deacon
7: Bamboo Banga by M.I.A.
8: a by PSA
9: Mr. Tough by Yo La Tengo
10: I (Mikey) Rock by The Cool Kids
11: Dancing Choose by TV on the Radio
12: This Song Is Dedicated To Natures God by Sun Ra
13: Soft Pyramids by Q and Not U
14: Agorophobia by Deerhunter
15: Leave Home by The Chemical Brothers
16: Apesar De Voce by Chico Burque
17: Gladiator by The Jesus Lizard

There were a few more but I forgot to write them down. Buh.